Southern Maine Community College (SMCC) - Solar Hot Air
In the summer of 2010, Shift Energy was chosen to supply & install 32 glazed recirculating solar hot air collectors using the SolarSheat™ products. The project was designed for the SMCC Automotive Education Facility. With 16 collectors installed along two separate walls (South-East & South-West), the system is designed to take air from the space at the bottom of the collectors, then recirculate it as solar boosted hot air back into the space from the top of the collectors. This recirculation is performed using a small solar photovoltaic (Solar Electric) fan at the top of each bank of collectors.
This system is a perfect application for homeowners, and serves as a nice fit for commercial buildings with small fresh air loads, or with open spaces that can be satisfied by just a few of these bad boys banked together.
Thanks to Horne Construction Company of Berwick, ME for having us involved in this project!
(SolarSheat™ is a product and trademark of Your Solar Home, Inc.)
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