Sanborn Regional High School, Kingston NH - Wall 3 of 4
Shift Energy completed the third of four separate solar air heating systems in Kingston, New Hampshire to round out what is the largest combined solar heating system in New Hampshire and New England. This case study is one of four installed on the site.
With over 7,800sf of Lubi™ solar air heating systems in place, the project was delivered under a unique Solar Hot Air PPA (Power Purchase Agreement). As a PPA, the school district had no capital upfront investment. The project is owned by Portsmouth based Revolution Energy, LLC ( who were able to finance the project which was also partly funded via New Hampshire PUC rebates (Commercial & Industrial NH Solar Rebate Program) and by also obtaining the Federal Investment Tax Credit, which school districts cannot access. This helped significantly buy down the cost of the project, and offer more favorable terms for the school.
This third wall is a 2,500sf combination ventilation/space heating system mounted on the south facing wall of the large gymnasium at the high school. The wall provides 5,000cfm of ventilation air to the space, at temperatures routinely well above space heating temperatures. The solar heat is delivered directly into the gymnasium via a fabric duct by which also helps de-stratify lost heat at ceiling level.
TEMPERATURES: On sunny January days at 32 degrees, the wall is capable of delivering 70 to 80F temperatures to the space, which means that whenever the sun shines inside approximately 9am to 3pm in the winter, the solar hot air system provides space heating and replaces conventional HVAC heating as well as providing space heat.
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